CAPTURE 6.2.2 Now Available


DURRIDGE’s CAPTURE software for downloading and analyzing RAD7 data has been updated to Version 6.2.2. This latest update provides several bug fixes to improve the behavior of the Chart Recorder feature, which is used to monitor the status of a RAD7 in real time.

DURRIDGE Website Additions


This month the DURRIDGE website was updated with the following additions: The Application Notes page now contains an exciting case study highlighting how the RAD7 was used to locate terrestrial sources of pollution in waterways. The Summer 2022 DURRIDGE Newsletter has been added to the Newsletters page. The Support menu now features a Presentations page containing links to research that … Read More

CAPTURE 6.2.1 Now Available


DURRIDGE’s CAPTURE software has been updated to Version 6.2.1. This update introduces several refinements, including the ability to easily update a RAD7’s system software to the latest version. Once updated, the RAD7 will offer a reminder when it is due for calibration.

CAPTURE 6.2 Now Available


Version 6.2 of DURRIDGE’s CAPTURE software has been released. This is a significant update to our RAD7 communications software, and it introduces Annotations, which are text notes that can be pinned to particular data points on a graph, or to a specified date along the graph timeline. Annotations may be added using either a File Menu command or with a contextual menu command in the Graph Window. CAPTURE is available for free for Windows and macOS computers.

CAPTURE 6.1.1 Now Available


Durridge’s CAPTURE software has been updated to version 6.1. This update introduces Event-Driven Actions, which are user-specified sequences of actions that are executed when particular conditions are met. For example if a RAD7 reports a radon concentration that is greater than a certain value, CAPTURE can respond by playing an alarm sound and/or sending an email notifying the user. There are 11 categories of conditions that may be evaluated, and 13 types of actions that may be performed in response, allowing a wide variety of custom configurable behaviors.

CAPTURE CLOUD Instructional Video


Learn how to subscribe to CAPTURE CLOUD and get the most out of the service with DURRIDGE’s new CAPTURE CLOUD instructional video. CAPTURE CLOUD is a service for storing, organizing, and sharing radon data files from the RAD7 radon detector.

Research Papers Collection Updated


We have updated our Research Papers collection with dozens of published articles highlighting how professional scientists have made use of the RAD7 and other DURRIDGE products. Browse the collection to learn how DURRIDGE products contribute to climate science, geology, medical research, environmental studies, metrology, seismology, and particle physics.

CAPTURE 6.1 Now Available


Durridge’s CAPTURE software has been updated to version 6.1. This update introduces Event-Driven Actions, which are user-specified sequences of actions that are executed when particular conditions are met. For example if a RAD7 reports a radon concentration that is greater than a certain value, CAPTURE can respond by playing an alarm sound and/or sending an email notifying the user. There are 11 categories of conditions that may be evaluated, and 13 types of actions that may be performed in response, allowing a wide variety of custom configurable behaviors.

DURRIDGE Newsletter Archive


We have added a Newsletter Archive to the DURRIDGE website. Visit the Newsletters page to read back issues of DURRIDGE Newsletters in PDF format. If you like what you see, please subscribe, and our newsletter will arrive in your inbox quarterly. Recent issues have highlighted such topics as radon in drinking water, thoron measurement, and CAPTURE CLOUD.

CAPTURE 6.0.3 Now Available


DURRIDGE CAPTURE software for Windows and macOS has been updated to version 6.0.3. CAPTURE is a free application for communicating with RAD7s and DRYSTIKs, and for downloading, graphing, analyzing, sharing, and exporting RAD7 data. Version 6.0.3 is recommended for all users. It offers numerous quality improvements pertaining to the CAPTURE CLOUD service, the Chart Recorder, and more.