DURRIDGE CAPTURE Cloud Free 60-Day Trial

All your radon data. Right where you need it.

Start your FREE 60-Day Trial.

Capture Cloud offers secure storage for RAD8 and RAD7 data files, and makes it easy to organize, analyze, and share data with your colleagues. All users can browse radon data files and issue queries to search for record sets by several criteria such as date range, organization, device, and others. Users can be easily added or deleted at any time.

When a radon data file is selected from the list of results, a preview appears immediately. The data can then be analyzed and edited using Durridge's Capture software. Any modifications made to the data file can be saved to disk or back to the Capture Cloud server.

Capture Cloud is available to users of Capture 8 Pro.


Capture Cloud Features & Benefits

Best Value For RAD8 and RAD7 Data Storage
  • Developed by Durridge for RAD8 and RAD7 data files & lower cost than generic solutions like Dropbox
  • Powerful storage, query & sharing features
  • Unlimited users & unlimited storage capacity
  • Free for Capture Pro users
Easiest Way To Stay Organized
  • Keep all your data files in one place
  • Powerful and flexible query tools – create your own tags for data files from the same projects
  • Graph previews – quickly see if it’s the data file you’re looking for
Easily Share Data With Colleagues
  • Enables easy, open collaboration
  • Add or delete users, inside or outside your organization
  • Global accessibility
Highest Security & Reliability
  • Powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • 99.99% uptime
  • Most secure cloud computing environment available today
Access Premium Capture Features
  • Configure Event-Driven Actions (See details)
  • Receive notifications when radon exceeds a specified threshold, and more.

Capture Cloud Browser

Navigate your radon data with the Capture Cloud Browser, which is seamlessly integrated into Durridge Capture software for Windows and macOS.

DURRIDGE CAPTURE CLOUD Data Browser Screenshot

Capture's Main Window Toolbar provides quick access to the the Capture Cloud Browser. When a data file is selected in the list of search results, its details appear in the right section of the Capture Cloud Browser.
Search for data by File Type, Organization, Device, Date Range, Name, Description, and Data Tags. Edit the selected file's Name and Description, and assign custom Data Tags to make it easy to find. Data tags can specify locations, teams, projects, and more.
Custom Data Tags can be included in a search query to limit the results to a particular location, team, project, and more. A graph image shows a preview of the selected data file. Double-click on the graph to open it in a new window.
The search results can be sorted by Name, Date, and more. Double-clicking an item opens it in a new Graph Window. Share data files with anyone that has a Capture Cloud account.
Capture Cloud User Resources

New Customers: First, purchase Capture Pro. Then complete and submit the following registration form:
Capture Cloud Registration Form (HTML Form)

Update Account Settings: If you are already a Capture Cloud user, use the following form to request any needed changes to your account:
Update your account settings (HTML Form)

Capture Cloud Documentation:

CAPTURE CLOUD Video Tutorial
Capture Cloud Instructional Video

Documentation from the Capture software user's manual:
Capture Cloud Documentation (HTML)

Capture Cloud Product Brief (PDF)

CAPTURE Software Resources

Learn more about Capture® (HTML)
Capture User's Manual (HTML)