RAD H2O in lab

The RAD H2O is an accessory for the RAD8 and RAD7 that enables you to measure radon in water over a concentration range of from less than 10 pCi/L to greater than 400,000 pCi/L. By diluting your sample, or by waiting for sample decay, you can extend the upper range to any concentration.

The equipment is portable and battery operated, and the measurement is fast. You can have an accurate reading of radon in water within an hour of taking the sample. The RAD H2O gives results after 30 minutes analysis with a sensitivity that matches or exceeds that of liquid scintillation methods. The method is simple and straightforward. There are no harmful chemicals to use. Once the procedure becomes familiar and well understood it will produce accurate results with minimal effort.

By taking two simultaneous samples, analyzing one immediately, waiting a week or more and then analyzing the other, the radium (226Ra) content of the water may be calculated.

Product Highlights
  • Portable: Complete kit provided in fitted case; weighs just 13 lbs.
  • Automatic: Procedure is controlled fully by the connected RAD7. Printouts provide data on radon concentration in water.
  • Fast: Analysis can be completed within one hour of taking the water sample.
  • Accurate: The RAD H2O provides results as accurate as liquid scintillation.
  • Sensitive: More sensitive than liquid scintillation. Lowest limit of detection is 10 pCi/L (20 minute count).
  • Clean and Safe: Involves no hazardous materials or chemicals.
  • Proven: Used by individuals and labs throughout the world for over ten years.
  • Great Value: Practically no running costs.

A vial containing a water sample is set up in a closed air loop with the RAD8 or RAD7 radon detector. The pump in the radon detector operates automatically for five minutes to aerate the sample, distributing the radon that was in the water throughout the loop. The radon detector waits a further five minutes while the 218Po count rate approaches equilibrium and then counts for four five-minute cycles. The radon concentration in the water is calculated directly.

RAD H2O Physical Specifications
RAD H2O Shipping Dimensions 19″ x 16″ x 8″ (48 cm x 41 cm x 20 cm)
RAD H2O Shipping Weight 15 pounds (6.8 kg)
Purchase the RAD H2O

$1,750.00Add to cart

The complete RAD H2O consists of the RAD H2O Case package, RAD H2O Aerator Cap Kit, RAD H2O Glass Frit Kit, Indoor Faucet Adaptor, and RAD H2O Tubing Set.

RAD H2O Components

The following components are included with the RAD H2O. These components may also be purchased separately.

RAD H2O Case Package
RAD H2O Case Package
  • Rugged Pelican brand case with sculpted foam inserts
  • Drying and Charcoal Tube Kit
  • 250 ml glass vial with Septum Cap (x6)
  • 40 ml glass vial with Septum Cap (x12)
  • Labels for 40 ml glass vials
  • Small adjustable Retort Stand and Clamp
RAD H2O Aerator Cap Kit
RAD H2O Aerator Cap Kit
  • Aerator Cap (x2)
  • Tubing for 40ml and 250ml vials

$205.00Add to cart

RAD H2O Glass Frit Kit

RAD H2O Glass Frit Kit

RAD H2O Glass Frit Kit

Three glass frits, 2 inlet filters, and Tygon tubing spacers for RAD H2O with Nylon aerator

$325.00Add to cart

Two glass frits and Teflon spacers for RAD H2O with Stainless steel aerator

$210.00Add to cart

Indoor Faucet Adaptor
Indoor Faucet Adaptor
  • Plastic adaptor
  • 20-inch vinyl tubing

Read more

$65.00Add to cart

RAD H2O Tubing Set
RAD H2O Tubing Set
  • From RAD7 to aerator cap, with check valve (~24”)
  • From aerator cap to drying tube (3”)
  • From drying tube to RAD7 (~24”)
  • RAD H2O Bypass Assembly
  • Vacuum Grease Container

$125.00Add to cart

RAD H2O Retort Stand and Clamp
RAD H2O Retort Stand and Clamp

$95.00Add to cart

Additional Supplies and Components for the RAD H2O
DURRIDGE H2O 250ml Glass Vials (12 Pack
250ml Glass Vials (12 Pack)
  • 250ml glass vial (x12)
  • Septum Cap (x12)

These are replacement supplies for collecting water samples. Six 250ml Glass Vials with Septum Caps are included in the RAD H2O Case Package.

$135.00Add to cart

DURRIDGE H2O 40ml Glass Vials (24 Pack)
40ml Glass Vials (24 Pack)
  • 40ml glass vial (x24)
  • Septum Cap (x12)
  • Labels for glass vials

These are replacement supplies for collecting water samples. Twelve 40ml Glass Vials with Septum Caps are included in the RAD H2O Case Package.

$135.00Add to cart

Drying And Charcoal Tube Kit
Drying And Charcoal Tube Kit
  • Small drying tube (x4)
  • Tube of activated charcoal (x1)

These are expendable supplies. A Drying and Charcoal Tube Kit is included in the RAD H2O Case Package.

$150.00Add to cart

DURRIDGE H2O Bypass Assembly
RAD H2O Bypass Assembly

Tubing and screw clamp for controlling airflow through the sampling vial to reduce foaming. The RAD H2O Bypass Assembly is now part of the RAD H2O Tubing Set. It is available as a separate purchase for users of older RAD H2O systems in which it was not originally included.

$55.00Add to cart


RAD H2O connected to RAD7 (not included)

RAD H₂O case and contents

RAD H2O case and contents

RAD H2O configuration diagram

RAD7 H2O Configuration


RAD H2O User’s Manual (PDF)