CAPTURE's menu bar houses several commands that are not accessible elsewhere in the user interface. The location of certain menu items may differ depending upon the platform on which CAPTURE is running.

Keyboard Shortcut Guide  

Several menu commands have keyboard shortcuts, which are listed below. On Microsoft Windows, the Control key is used in conjunction with another key to trigger a keyboard equivalent, while the Macintosh utilizes the Command key for this purpose.

Menu Menu Command Windows Shortcut  macOS Shortcut
File Open Data File... Control-O Command-O
File Open Sample Data File... (none) (none)
File Open Recent... (none) (none)
File Close Control-W Command-W
File Save Control-S Command-S
File Save As... Control-Shift-S Command-Shift-S
File Save to CAPTURE Cloud... Control-Alt-S Command-Option-S
File Save Graph Picture... (none) (none)
File Export Device Output... (none) (none)
File Export Selected Data → RAD7 Data File... (none) (none)
File Export Selected Data → Column-Based Text File... (none) (none)
File Export Selected Data → Column-Based Text to Clipboard... (none) (none)
File Export Selected Data → RAD7 Printer Data... (none) (none)
File Create Report → Data Summary Report... (none) (none)
File Create Report → Run Summaries Report... (none) (none)
File Create Report → Radon Inspection Report... (none) (none)
File Add Annotation... Control-T Command-T
File RAD7 Data Parameters... Control-I Command-I
File Run/Chart Parameters... Control-R Command-R
File Show Data Errors... Control-E (none)
File Show Data File On Disk (none) (none)
File Show Data In CAPTURE Cloud (none) (none)
File Show Program Logs (none) (none)
File Show Chart Recorder Logs (none) (none)
File Page Setup... Control-Shift-P Command-Shift-P
File Print... Control-P Command-P
File CAPTURE Preferences... Control-Comma  Command-Comma 
Edit Cut Control-X Command-X
Edit Copy Control-C Command-C
Edit Paste Control-V Command-V
Edit Clear (none) (none)
Edit Select All Control-A Command-A
Edit Snap Selection to Nearest Run(s) Control-Alt-R Command-Option-R
View Zoom In Control-Plus (+) Command-Plus (+)
View Zoom Out Control-Minus (-) Command-Minus (-)
View Reset Zoom Level Control-Zero (0) Command-Zero (0)
View (All other View menu commands)   (none) (none)
Tools Event-Driven Actions Control-E Command-E
Tools (All other Tools menu commands) (none) (none)
Window  Show Log Window  Control-L Command-L
Window   Show Cumulative Spectrum  (none) (none)
Window   Show Synthetic Spectrum  (none) (none)
Window   Show Statistics  (none) (none)
Window   Main Window  Control-M Command-M
Window   Clean Up Window Arrangement (none) (none)

File Menu  

Open Data File...

Opens an existing RAD7 Data File in a new graph window. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-O.

Open Sample Data File...

Opens one of the built-in sample RAD7 Data Files in a new graph window.

Open Recent

Opens a recently opened RAD7 Data File in a graph window.


Closes the window that is currently in front. If the Graph Window is in front, closing it brings the Main Window to the front. Closing the Main Window causes CAPTURE to quit. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-W.


Saves the contents of the current Graph Window to disk. The data is saved in the R7CDT file format. This command is only available when a Graph Window is open and the graph data has been modified.
Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-S.

Save As

Saves the contents of the current Graph Window to disk. The data is saved to a new file using either the R7RAW or R7CDT file format. This command is available when a Graph Window is open.
Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-Shift-S.

Save To CAPTURE Cloud...

Saves the contents of the current Graph Window to CAPTURE Cloud. This command is available when a Graph Window is open and the user is signed in to their CAPTURE Cloud account.
Keyboard shortcut: [Alt/Option]-[Control/Command]-S.

Save Graph Picture...

This command saves the graph picture to a PNG image file. The Save Graph Picture dialog box contains fields used to specify the desired width, height, and label scale of the graph picture. The label scale may range from 1.0x to 3.0x, with 1.0 representing the typical size seen in a Graph Window. The chosen scale dictates the minimum allowable image dimensions. Macintosh users may prefer to utilize the Print command to save graph images in the PDF format, which described below. The Save Graph Picture command is only available if a Graph Window is visible.

Export RAD7 Output...

Exports the contents of the RAD7 Output text area, which is located in the Issue RAD7 Command panel. This menu item is only available when the Main Window is active and the Issue RAD7 Command panel is visible.

Export Selected Data

Provides several RAD7 data export options. These include RAD7 Data File, Column-Based Text File, Column-Based Text to Clipboard, and RAD7 Printer Data. This command is only available if the selection contains one or more data points. Detailed information on these exporting options is available in the Exporting RAD7 Data section.

Create Report

Provides several report creation options. These include Data Summary Report, Run Summaries Report, and Radon Inspection Report. This command is only available if the selection contains one or more data points. Detailed information on these exporting options is available in the Creating Reports section.

Add Annotation...

This command is used to add an annotation to a graph. Annotations are text notes that can be pinned to particular data points, or to a specified date on the graph timeline. Keyboard Shortcut: [Control/Command]-T.

RAD7 Data Parameters...

When a Graph Window is visible this command brings up the RAD7 Data Parameters Window. This window is used to assign Name, Description, and Data Tag properties to a RAD7 data file. Data files stored in CAPTURE Cloud can be searched for using these criteria, so it is helpful to assign descriptive parameters indicating the project, team, and/or location associated with the data. Keyboard Shortcut: [Control/Command]-I.

Run/Chart Parameters...

When a Graph Window is visible this command brings up the Run Parameters Window. When the Chart Recorder is visible, this command brings up the Chart Parameters Window. These windows are used to specify the Radon Measurement Method (such as Radon in Air, RAD AQUA, Water Probe, etc.), as well as any necessary water temperature and salinity information, and RAD7 accessory specifications. In the Run Parameters Window, the chosen parameters may be applied to either the selected run(s) or to all of the runs in the RAD7 data set. Keyboard Shortcut: [Control/Command]-R.

Show Data Errors...

This command shows the Data Errors Window, which reports any problems with the current graph data. This command is only enabled if there are one or more problems with the data. Keyboard Shortcut: [Control/Command]-E.

Show Data File On Disk

This command reveals the current RAD7 data file on the desktop.

Show Data in CAPTURE Cloud

This command reveals the current RAD7 data file in the CAPTURE Cloud Data Browser.

Show Program Logs

This command reveals the folder containing the CAPTURE Program Logs. A new log file is created for each day that CAPTURE is used. These files may be safely moved or deleted at any time.

Show Chart Recorder Logs

This command reveals the folder containing logged Chart Recorder data files. This data accumulates automatically whenever CAPTURE's Chart Recorder is in use. The files may be safely moved or deleted at any time.

Page Setup...

This command is used to configure print settings. Before printing a radon graph, it may be useful to choose the Page Setup command and set the page orientation to Landscape, so that the graph will fill the page more effectively. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-Shift-P.


Prints the current radon graph. On the Macintosh, the Print dialog box may be used to save, fax, or email a cross-platform PDF version of the graph image. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-P.

CAPTURE Preferences

Displays the Preferences Window, which contains controls used to specify a wide range of options as described in the Preferences Window section. Note that on the Macintosh, the Preferences menu command is located under the Application menu. Keyboard Shortcut: [Control/Command]-Comma.


Exits CAPTURE. Note that on the Macintosh, the Exit menu command is labeled Quit and is located under the Application menu.

Edit Menu  


The Cut command may be used while editing text in various fields throughout the application. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-X.

Copy Graph Picture

If the Graph Window is open, the Copy Graph Picture command puts the graph image on to the clipboard. Once the graph image is on the clipboard, it may be pasted into a graphics application where it can be edited or saved. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-C.


The Paste command may be used while editing text in various fields throughout the application. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-V.


The Clear command may be used while editing text in various fields throughout the application.

Select All

The Clear command may be used while editing text in various fields throughout the application. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-A.

View Menu  

Concentration Units

Determines the unit of measurement used to denote radon concentrations on the graph. The available options include Automatic, Bq/m3, dpm/L, and pCi/L. The Automatic option causes the radon concentration to be presented in the unit in which it was originally recorded inside the RAD7. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible.


Temperature Units

Determines the unit of measurement used to denote temperature data on the graph. The available options include Automatic, Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. The Automatic option causes the temperature data to be presented in the unit in which it was originally recorded inside the RAD7. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible.


Forced SNIFF Mode


Determines whether the graph data is forced to be displayed as if it was recorded in SNIFF Mode. This menu command is enabled whenever there exists at least one record that truly was recorded in SNIFF Mode. Such records are analyzed to determine the necessary SNIFF sensitivity data.


Correct for Humidity


Determines whether the graph data is corrected for humidity. When relative humidity is high, radon concentration values are often underreported. Humidity correction compensates for this.


Correct for B to A Spill


Determines whether correction is applied based on the spill from the B to A windows. Significant spill occurs when the thoron concentration is high relative to the radon concentration. Under these conditions it is recommended that the data be corrected to compensate.


Point Style


Determines the appearance of the data points on the graph. The options are Normal, Shapes, B&W (Black and White) Shapes, and Hidden. The B&W Shapes option causes the graph to be rendered in black and white, which is useful when graph image is printed on a non-color printer.

Line Weight

Determines the thickness of the graph lines, as measured in pixels. This value may range from 1 to 4, or lines may be hidden. A thicker line may be easier to read, but is somewhat less precise than a single-pixel line. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible.



Determines the degree of smoothing applied to the graph line. This value may range from 1 (no smoothing) to 9 (high smoothing). When the degree of smoothing is greater than 1, the original, non-smoothed graph line appears faded in the background. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible.
  Show Grid Lines
  Determines whether horizontal and vertical grid lines are visible on the graph.

Show Graph Legend

Determines whether the legend is visible on the Graph Window. The legend indicates the significance of the colors that appear on the graph. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible.

Show Error Bars

Determines whether error bars are visible on the graph. Error bars indicate the uncertainty of radon and thoron readings.

Show Selection Average

Determines whether a representation of the average of the selection is displayed between the Selection Bars.

Show Selection Slope

Determines whether the Selection Slope Line will be displayed between the Selection Bars.

Selection Slope Time Unit

Determines which time unit is used to represent the Selection Slope. The time unit may be Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, or Automatic. If Automatic is chosen, the Time Unit will be chosen based on the scope of the selection.

Zoom In

Causes the radon graph to zoom in, displaying a shorter time range in greater detail. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-Plus.

Zoom Out

Causes the radon graph to zoom out, displaying a greater time range in lesser detail. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-Minus.

Reset Zoom Level

Causes the radon graph to zoom all the way out, displaying the full time range needed to show all the data. This command is only available if the Graph Window is visible. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-0.

Radon/Thoron/Temperature/Relative Humidity Scale

These menu options determines whether the Y scales of each data type is determined automatically or manually. Manual Y scale settings for radon, thoron, temperature, and relative humidity may be configured in the Graph Controls panel.


Graph Lines


Determines which data lines are visible on the graph. The possible graph lines include Radon, Thoron, Radon in Water, Thoron in Water, Air Temperature, Water Temperature, and Relative Humidity.

Tools Menu  

Event-Driven Actions...

Displays the Event-Driven Actions Panel in the Main Window, which is used to configure CAPTURE to respond in a variety of ways to specified occurrences.


Concentration Unit Converter...

Opens the Concentration Unit Converter Window, which is a tool for converting expressions of radon concentration between four different units: Bq/L, Bq/m3, Dpm/L, and pCi/L.
  Sensitivity Unit Converter...
  Opens the Sensitivity Unit Converter Window, which is a tool for converting expressions of RAD7 measurement sensitivity between four different units: cpm/(Bq/L), cpm/(Bq/m3), cpm/(Dpm/L), and cpm/(pCi/L).
  Radon In Water Calculator...
  Opens the Radon In Water Calculator Window, which is used to compute Radon In Water concentrations based on user-supplied Radon In Air values obtained using the RAD H2O, RAD AQUA, or Water Probe.

Combine RAD7 Data Files...

This command combines two or more data files on one graph. Records separated by fewer than a specified number of minutes are averaged. The combined data may be graphed and/or saved to disk. More information is available in the Tools Menu Operations section.

Downsample RAD7 Data Files...

This command downsamples the records in a RAD7 data file. Records separated by fewer than a specified number of minutes are averaged, and the resulting records each have a longer effective cycle time. The downsampled data may be graphed and/or saved to disk. More information is available in the Tools Menu Operations section.
  Shift Dates In RAD7 Data File...
  Opens the Shift Dates In RAD7 Data File Window, which is used to modify the dates and times of the records in a RAD7 data file. If a RAD7's clock settings are incorrect when data is recorded, this feature can be used to correct the problem. The RAD7 record dates and times may be shifted either forwards or backwards, by a user-specified number of days, hours, and minutes.

RADLINK Operations...

Opens the RADLINK Operations Window, which is used to install and remove RADLINK from the RAD7. This command is useful if a RAD7's RADLINK software is lost or if it needs to be updated. The latest version of RADLINK is required for full communications functionality between the RAD7 and the computer.

Terminal Window...

Opens the Terminal Window, which provides an interface for manually issuing serial commands to any device that communicates using a standard serial protocol, including RAD7s and DRYSTIKs.

Window Menu  

Show Log Window

Determines whether the Log Window is visible. This window contains a record of the operations that CAPTURE has performed since the application was launched, plus a log of the data that has arrived through each serial port. Keyboard shortcut: [Control/Command]-L.

Show Cumulative Spectrum

This command is available when the Main Window is in the front. It displays a diagnostic window containing a 200-column histogram representing the cumulative spectrum for the selected RAD7. See the Cumulative Spectrum section for more information.

Show Spectrum

Determines whether the Spectrum panel is visible. This command is only available when the Graph Window is visible.

Show Statistics

Determines whether the Statistics panel is visible. This panel displays a range of information on the data being displayed on the graph. This command is only available when the Graph Window is visible.

Main Window

Opens the Main Window, if necessary, and brings it to the front. Keyboard Shortcut: [Control/Command]-M

Clean Up Window Arrangement

Moves each open window to its default location on the screen. If multiple graph windows are visible, they are arranged in a cascading pattern such that each window's title bar is visible.

Graph Window Menu Items

The Window Menu contains the names of each of the Graph Windows that is currently open. Selecting a Graph Window here brings it to the front.

Help Menu  


Displays the CAPTURE User's Manual.

About CAPTURE...

Displays the CAPTURE About Box, which provides basic information about CAPTURE, as well as buttons for accessing Help and Credits. Note that on the Macintosh, the About option is located under the CAPTURE Menu.