CAPTURE CLOUD is a subscription-based service for storing, organizing, and sharing RAD7 data from any computer running CAPTURE. Shared data can be made accessible to any authorized CAPTURE CLOUD user. Additionally, CAPTURE CLOUD subscribers are granted access to premium CAPTURE software features which are otherwise disabled.

CAPTURE CLOUD Feature Summary

When signed in to CAPTURE CLOUD, RAD7 data can be saved to a CAPTURE CLOUD server hosted by DURRIDGE, and then later retrieved, modified, and saved back to the CAPTURE CLOUD server. A Data Browser lets you explore collections of RAD7 record sets, and issue search queries to find data from a particular organization, RAD7 instrument, date range, plus additional criteria. RAD7 data can be assigned custom searchable tags to associate it with a particular project, job site, technician or other attributes. When a RAD7 record set is selected from the list of search results, it can be viewed and edited using CAPTURE's Graph Window. RAD7 data that has been uploaded to CAPTURE CLOUD becomes available to CAPTURE CLOUD users who belong to the organization that owns the RAD7 device from which the data came. Additionally, data can be shared with select users from outside one's organization. Finally, subscribing to CAPTURE CLOUD unlocks premium CAPTURE features including Event-Driven Actions, which make it possible to configure CAPTURE to perform specified sequences of actions when particular events occur.

Setting Up a User Account 

To sign up for CAPTURE CLOUD, visit the CAPTURE CLOUD page on the DURRIDGE website at and use the online store to place an order for a CAPTURE CLOUD subscription. You will not have to submit payment information right away, because there is a free trial period.

After completing your order, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to an account registration form. Use this form to provide details about your organization, the DURRIDGE devices you wish to connect to CAPTURE CLOUD, and the users you want to have access to the account. Note that an unlimited number of users can be added at no additional charge.

After you complete the registration form a DURRIDGE administrator will process your submission, and you will receive an email containing the sign-in credentials needed for you and other users in your organization to log in to your new CAPTURE CLOUD account. Once logged in, you can store and retrieve data from the DURRIDGE devices belonging to your organization.

Updating Account Settings

If you wish to modify your CAPTURE CLOUD account by adding or remove users or RAD7 devices, go to the CAPTURE CLOUD web page at and complete the Update Account Settings Form, which is found near the top right section of the page.

Signing in to CAPTURE CLOUD

To sign in to your CAPTURE CLOUD account, click the CAPTURE CLOUD toolbar button at the top of the Main Window, and then enter your email address and password, as shown in Figure 1, below. Then click the Sign In button. Check the Remember sign-in credentials checkbox if you do not want to have to reenter your email address and password each time you connect to CAPTURE Cloud. Check the Sign in automatically at launch checkbox to bypass the sign-in panel in the future.

If you forget your password, or wish to change it, click the Reset Password link under the Sign In button, and refer to the Password Resetting section below.

Once you have signed in, the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser will appear, allowing you to locate files that have been uploaded from your organization's RAD7(s). The CAPTURE CLOUD Browser is explained in depth later in this section.

Figure 1: Signing in to CAPTURE CLOUD.

You will remain logged in to your CAPTURE CLOUD account until you quit the CAPTURE application or sign out of CAPTURE CLOUD. To sign out, use the Sign Out button at the bottom left corner of the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser. You will be returned to the CAPTURE CLOUD Sign-In Panel, where you or another user may sign back in.

Saving Data to CAPTURE CLOUD


There are four situations in which RAD7 data may be saved to CAPTURE CLOUD: when data is being downloaded from a RAD7, when data is visible in a Graph Window or the Chart Recorder, when data is being logged in the Chart Recorder, and when a data file is dragged and dropped into the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser. Note that in each case it is necessary to be signed in to CAPTURE CLOUD, as described above.

Saving data to CAPTURE CLOUD when downloading from a RAD7

When data is being downloaded from a RAD7 to CAPTURE, it can be saved to your local disk and/or your CAPTURE CLOUD account. To save the data to CAPTURE CLOUD, check the Save Data to CAPTURE CLOUD Checkbox in the Main Window's Download RAD7 Data panel. As the download begins you will be prompted to provide a name and description for the data set as shown in Figure 2, below. It is helpful to choose a unique and memorable name and description in order to be able to easily locate the data at a later time using the search tools in the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser.

Figure 2: Specifying the name and description of a data file being saved to CAPTURE CLOUD.

Once the data has been fully downloaded from the RAD7 and verified, it will be saved to CAPTURE CLOUD. Upon completion, a notification dialog will appear, confirming that the data was successfully saved to the cloud.

Saving Graph Window or Chart Recorder data to CAPTURE CLOUD

RAD7 data from a CAPTURE Graph Window or the Chart Recorder can be saved to your CAPTURE CLOUD account. First open a Graph Window or view the Chart Recorder as necessary, by choosing File --> Open Data File... and selecting a RAD7 data file to graph. Then choose File --> Save to CAPTURE CLOUD. You will be prompted to confirm the RAD7 data name and description, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 3: A confirmation message indicating that data has been successfully saved to CAPTURE CLOUD.

Note that RAD7 data may only be uploaded to CAPTURE CLOUD if it was obtained from a RAD7 containing RADLINK. If RADLINK is present, the serial number of the RAD7 will appear in the heading of the Graph Window's Statistics Panel.

Once the data has been uploaded, it will appear in the Search Results list in the lower left section of the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser, as shown in Figure 5, below.

Saving data to CAPTURE CLOUD by dragging and dropping

It is also possible to save a RAD7 data file to CAPTURE CLOUD by dragging it from a folder on the desktop and dropping it into the Results list in the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser. When a file is dropped into this list, you will be prompted to specify a Name and Description, as shown in Figure 2, above.

Logging Chart Recorder data to CAPTURE CLOUD

When the Chart Recorder is monitoring the status of a RAD7 in real time, CAPTURE can be configured to continuously log the RAD7 data to a file on disk, or to CAPTURE CLOUD. For more information please refer to the instructions in the Logging Chart Recorder Data section.

Replacing existing CAPTURE CLOUD data

If you attempt to upload RAD7 data but another data set from the same device with an overlapping date range already exists on the CAPTURE CLOUD server, a message will appear asking if you would like to replace the existing data, as shown in Figure 4, below. Replacing existing data will irrevocably overwrite its contents. Note that when data is being logged to CAPTURE CLOUD from the Chart Recorder, the data file on the CAPTURE CLOUD server will automatically expand as each new data point is recorded.

Figure 4: Notification that already exists on the CAPTURE CLOUD server.

Saving combined data to CAPTURE CLOUD

It is possible to upload a combined data file containing radon data from more than one RAD7 device, as long as the user belongs to the organization(s) that own the associated RAD7s. Once the combined data has been saved to CAPTURE CLOUD, it will be listed in the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser under the heading of the RAD7 with the lowest of the various serial numbers represented in the combined data. For example, if a radon data file contains data from RAD7s 5000, 5001, and 5002, it will appear in the Browser as if it belongs to RAD7 5000. (For more information on combining data files, see the Combine RAD7 Data section.)


The CAPTURE CLOUD Browser provides access to all of the RAD7 data files that you and the other members of your organization have saved to your CAPTURE CLOUD account. It also provides access to any data files that have been specifically shared with you. The browser is shown in Figure 5, below.

Whenever you are signed in to CAPTURE CLOUD, the browser will remain accessible via the toolbar in CAPTURE's Main Window. The browser consists of controls for specifying optional search parameters, a Results List Box containing search results, and a Preview panel showing a graph of the selected result, plus additional details. Buttons at the bottom of the window are used for sharing the selected data set with other users, saving the selected data set to a local disk, and and opening it in a new Graph Window, respectively.

The controls for searching for CAPTURE CLOUD data occupy the top left section of the browser panel. These controls can be used to specify several search parameters, including File Types, Organization, Device, Date Range, Name, Description, and Data Tags. If no search criteria are specified, the Results List Box will contain every known data file from the organization(s) and device(s) associated with your CAPTURE CLOUD account. This list has the potential to grow quite long, so it may occupy multiple pages, each of which may contain between 25 and 200 items. But the list can be quickly narrowed down to a manageable length by specifying specific search parameters.

Searching with Data Tags

Data Tags are custom labels that can be assigned to files to designate them as belonging to a particular category, in order to improve searchability. One or more data tags may be included as search parameters using the blue Plus button (+). A data tag can be removed from a search query by clicking its (✕) button. The orange And / Or control is used to specify whether the results must contain all of the specified data tags, versus any of the specified data tags.

Search results can be sorted by Name, Description, Organization, Device, or Ending Date, either in ascending or descending order, by clicking the desired column heading at the top of the Results List Box. Double-clicking on an item in the Results List Box will open the data in a new Graph Window.

Figure 5: The CAPTURE CLOUD Browser.

Creating Search Presets

Specific combinations of search parameters can be saved as Search Presets for later reuse. To create a Search Preset, first enter the desired search criteria in the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser; this may include an Owner, Organization, Device, Date Range, Name, Description, and/or specific Data Tags. Next go to the Search Preset pop-up menu near the top left corner of the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser, and choose "Add Search Preset..." You will be prompted to enter a name for the new Search Preset, as shown in Figure 6, below. After clicking OK, the new preset will be included in the Search Preset pop-up menu. This search preset will remain available unless or until it is deleted.

Figure 6: The Add Search Preset Dialog

Managing Search Presets

To rename or delete an existing Search Preset, go to the Search Presets pop-up menu near the top left corner of the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser, and choose "Manage Search Presets..." The Manage Search Presets Window will appear as shown in Figure 7, below. Select a Search Preset from the list at the left side of the window to view the specific search criteria contained in the preset, and enter a new name or click the Delete Search Preset button, as desired. Note that two separate Search Presets may not share the same name. When finished, click OK to return to the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser. The contents of the Search Presets menu will reflect any changes that have been made.

Figure 7: The Manage Search Presets Window

Names, Descriptions, and Data Tags

When a RAD7 record set is selected from the list of search results, its details appear in the panel on the right side of the window. These details include three editable properties: Name, Description, and Data Tags. To edit one of these attributes, click the corresponding Edit button, which is found near the right edge of the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser, as shown in Figure 5, above.

When finished editing a Name or Description, press the Enter key or click the accompanying checkmark button () to the right of the text field. To cancel the editing of a Name or Description, click the accompanying (✕) button.

When Data Tags are being edited, they will appear in purple, as shown in the Figure 5, above. To add a Data Tag to a file, click the Plus button (+). To remove a data tag, click its (✕) icon. Once tags have been assigned, they can be used as search parameters to more easily find the RAD7 record set in the future.


Once RAD7 data has been uploaded to CAPTURE CLOUD, it will be accessible to the user who uploaded it, and to all other members of the organization that owns the RAD7 device that produced the data. Data can also be made available to CAPTURE CLOUD users from outside that organization. To share a data file with an outside user, select an item in the CAPTURE CLOUD Browser and click the Share Data File... button, which is located at the bottom of the window, under the graph display. The Share Data File Window will appear, as shown in Figure 8, below.

Figure 8: The Share Data File Window.

To share the selected data file with a CAPTURE CLOUD user from another organization, enter their email address in the Add User field at the top of the Share Data File Window, and click Add User. Their name and email address will appear in the Current Users list. To revoke a user's ability to access the data file, select a user in the list and click the Remove Selected User button. When finished, click the Done button.

Once a user has been given access to a shared data file, it will appear in their CAPTURE CLOUD Browser. The user will be able to view the file in a Graph Window, but they will not be permitted to save any changes to the file back to CAPTURE CLOUD.

Password Resetting

If you forget your CAPTURE CLOUD password, or wish to change it, go to the CAPTURE CLOUD panel in the Main Window, and click the Reset Password link under the Sign In button. You will be prompted to enter the email address of your CAPTURE CLOUD user account, as shown in Figure 9, below. After entering your email address, click Continue. You will receive an email from "" containing a password reset code. If this email is not immediately visible, check your Junk or Spam folder.

Figure 9: The Reset CAPTURE CLOUD Password Window.

CAPTURE will prompt you for the password reset code as shown in Figure 10, below. This code can be copied and pasted from the email that you received. You will also be asked to specify your desired new password. The new password should be long and/or complex in order to satisfy security requirements, and it must be entered twice for verification purposes. After you have pasted your password reset code into the Password Reset Field, and entered and verified your new password, click Continue.

Figure 10: Entering a Password Reset Code and a new password.

Once the password has been reset, a notification will appear as shown in Figure 11, below. Click Finish to return to the Main Window, where you will be able to sign in to CAPTURE CLOUD using your new password.

Figure 11: Notification of successful CAPTURE CLOUD password reset.